KWD-globalpipe is a weekly information service in English language.
It reports mainly on plastic pipes and fittings and their applications and things to know worldwide.
We inform in short form, up-to-date and free of advertising!
KWD employees have been active in the market for more than 50 years. Information and data on pipes and fittings are researched, processed and published in weekly information services and market reports. KWD-globalpipe brings the decision-makers in the heating & plumbing industry up to date on a weekly basis.
We report about pipes and fittings for:
- Heating and cooling systems
- Radiator connections
- Hot and cold-water installations / Plumbing systems
- Gas installations
- Sprinkler systems
- Drainage and sewerage
- District / local heating systems
Content of the newsletters are:
- Plastic pipes and pipe systems, fittings, accessories, and other hardware
- Related raw materials
- Company and personal news
- Standards and approvals
- Statistical data, forecasts and trends
- Trade shows, symposiums and other events
Subscription rate: 40 issues per year EUR 250,– (in Germany + MWSt)
KWD-globalpipe is free of advertising. It will be sent weekly as a pdf file by email.
Per subscription up to 5 persons of the ordering company can receive the newsletter.